Bunge La Mwananchi fully endorses the Labour Relations (Amendment) Bill
No. 3 of 2024, viewing it as a long-awaited reform essential to protect Kenyan
workers and establish true accountability within trade unions.
Ending Compulsory Agency Fees: The bill rightly removes forced agency
fees, letting non-union workers choose whether to fund union activities. This
ensures that union support is voluntary and unions earn the trust and
contributions of workers they represent.

Investigate Unethical Financial Demands: We have seen a confidential
letter by COTU Secretary-General Francis Atwoli soliciting KES 100,000 from
all unions to oppose the bill. This demand is very unethical and gross misuse
of union funds to block vital democratic reforms, and, we urge EACC to
investigate the legality of this solicitation and ensure union funds serve
workers, not entrenched interests.

Term Limits for Union Leaders: Introducing a two-term limit for union
officials is critical. This measure will open leadership positions to new voices,
helping unions remain relevant and responsive to workers’ needs. Union
leaders must serve, not hold lifetime positions that stifle progress.
Our Call to Action: We urge all Kenyans to support the Labour Relations
(Amendment) Bill, 2024, to ensure our unions operate democratically,
transparently, and in service of workers—not Atwoli.