The Orange Democratic Movement party will sanction all Azimio Members of the Nairobi County Assembly (MCAs) who attended the chirch service and later the Kenya Kwanza led church fundraising at Nairobi’s AIPCA Bahati Cathedral last Sunday.
According to sources, the ODM MCA’s who accompanied Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to the funds drive, led by Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen, are to face disciplinary action for openly showing disloyalty whens they sat through the event which insulted Raila Odinga and condemned the Azimio la Umoja led anti-government demonstrations which the oppositionhas set for Wednesday to Friday this week.
The MCA’s, who were led by the Assembly Majority leader Peter Imwatok are close allies of ODM Leader Raila Odinga but according to insiders, they are a known section of ODM MCA’S who often follow the Governor’s functions to benefit from a Sh. 20,000 stripend given from the Governor’s kitty for fuel.
“Actually, only one Jubilee MCA tended Sunday event from the Azimi side. All the rest are a cartel of ODM MCA’s who were marshalled by Imwatok to attend the event at which they were not invited since it was a Kenya Kwanza event,” said one of our sources.
“The ODM section of MCA’s is a well known cartel which often works with the county assembly Budget and Appropriations Committee Chairman Wilfred Odalo in deal cutting and advancing corrupt deals at City Hall and only went to the event to collect the 20,000 before purporting to issue a statement against the insults thrown at the former Prime Minister during the event. Both Imwatok and Odalo were at the event,” our source disclosed.
“Imwatok only went to issue a statement after collecting their stripend and we all know this was because he was not formerly recorgnised and introduced as the County Assembly majority leader,” He added.
The MCA’s at the event are close allies of Raila Odinga and keenly followed through the meeting clapping as speaker after speaker went on insulting Odinga and condemning the demonstrations.
“Imwotok was present in Kenya Kwanza meeting where Odinga was insulted this definitely shows he is in with Kenya Kwanza. He actually assured CS Murkomen that he would hire a militia to disrupt Azimio demos,” said another source.
The ODM heirachy is said to have been angered by the dishonesty of the MCA’s who went to the meeting, un-invited and supported the sentiments issued castigating Odinga against the Azimio coalition directives.
Just recently, Odinga, after getting concerned with the fears of a split in the County Assembly Azimio Majority side due to accusations of ODM’s failure to honour affiliate parties intended to allow a change of majority leadership but was informed that the move was not supported by the standing orders and that a change had to wait for two years. Odinga has since known that this was a lie to allow Imwatok and Odalo stick to their powerful positions in the County assembly and continue with their marauding shoddy deals.
Irate Azimio la Umoja supporters from around the country have take to Twitter to attack Imwatok and the MCA’s for betraying Odinga by attending the event and supporting the sentiments from Kenya Kwanza leaders. Twitter has been abuzz with the Hashtag #ImwatokBetraysAzimio already trending on the popular social media platform.