• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Nairobi County

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  • Concerns arise as DCI Officers Probing Fraudulent Payments at City Hall face unexpected Transfers

Concerns arise as DCI Officers Probing Fraudulent Payments at City Hall face unexpected Transfers

Some DCI who were almost completing investigations into suspected fraudulent payments at City Hall have shockingly been transferred. One of the officers transferred include Isak Ogutu and another officer only…

70 City Hall’s Staffs face Prosecution over Alleged Looting, Revenue Diversion

The Director of Criminal Investigations has in the last few months grilled at least 70 Nairobi City County Officers. Sources privy to the development indicate that the senior county officers…

Nairobi MCAs call the EACC, DPP to help Curb Corruption and Vandalism at City Hall

A section of Nairobi MCAs have written to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and Director of Public Prosecution to stamp authority and help curb the runaway corruption and uncontrolled misuse…

Details of Sakaja’s Aide Osman Khalif Friday Night Arrest

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s appearance at Dci kiambu headquarters three weeks ago over complains by Chinese investors in real estate Nairobi, has led to the arrest of Former South C…

Revealed: How Detectives Unmasked City Hall’s Chief Officer Car and Millions Bribery to Editors

A senior editor at one of the leading Daily Newspapers was bought a brand new car and given millions of shillings as bribery not to publish any corruption related stories…

Nairobi MCAs, Matatu Sacco Operators Demand Release of Impounded Vehicles amid Corruption Claims

Senior City Hall officials in the finance department are working secretly with enforcement officers within the parking department to divert millions of shillings from daily collections. This was unearthed when…

Millfield International School Opens Doors to its Nairobi Campus

Millfield Runda School is proud to announce the opening of its new campus in Nairobi, offering the British National Curriculum to children between the ages of 6-14. The school, an off-shoot of…

Uproar as Developer in Parklands declares site a Restricted Area

Controversial owners and developers of residential apartments along Taza Lane, Parklands have now put up a signboard at the entrance of their construction site declaring it “Restricted Area” and warning…

Rogue City Hall Officer in Hot Soup for Failing to Settle ‘Damage control’ Fee

A cyber security consultant is the latest victim to fall prey to the money looting schemes of a notorious City Hall officer in Nairobi called Daniel Nguru. The officer is…

Andrew Chege Vetted by Nairobi Assembly’s Budget Committee

Nairobi City County Assembly Budget and Appropriation committee has today vetted the Revenue Authority nominee Andrew Chege. The committee has proceeded to report writing where in a special sitting next…