• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

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Kenya Economic Transformation with Launch of National Productive Capacities

Kenya’s economic development as the high-level launch of the National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment (NPCGA) and the Holistic Programme for Fostering Productive Capacities and Structural Economic Transformation took place on…

Parklands Residents want NEMA, NCA Senior Officers Enjoined in the Human Rights Petition Case against illegal Developers

The number of cases and incidences where buildings have collapsed causing deaths and injuries to hundreds of people, and also where ‘developments’ have destroyed and damaged the environment therefore denying,…

Better Sleep, Better Health: New One UI 5 Watch Shows First Look at Upcoming Galaxy Watch

By Reporter With enhanced sleep features, One UI 5 Watch sets the standard for holistic wellness via a healthy night’s rest Samsung Electronics unveiled One UI 5 Watch to be…


 Samsung Electronics officially welcomed the A-series range of devices into the Kenyan market, a move that is designed to cement the global electronic manufacturer’s position as the market leader in…

Nuru Training Programme on Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care to be Launched Tomorrow

All SET FOR THE LAUNCH OF NURU TRAINING PROGRAMME ON INCLUSIVE EARLY CHILD HOOD EDUCATION CARE AND EDUCATIONJoin the link to register; https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_c7Awk0-JQwCB9AjXRkFceAEarly last year Action Foundation sent out a…

Rogue City Hall Officer in Hot Soup for Failing to Settle ‘Damage control’ Fee

A cyber security consultant is the latest victim to fall prey to the money looting schemes of a notorious City Hall officer in Nairobi called Daniel Nguru. The officer is…

Andrew Chege Vetted by Nairobi Assembly’s Budget Committee

Nairobi City County Assembly Budget and Appropriation committee has today vetted the Revenue Authority nominee Andrew Chege. The committee has proceeded to report writing where in a special sitting next…

Former Change.org Country Director Seeks Compensation over Illegal Termination

Priscilla Muthoni Maingi, woman who served as Change.Org‘s country director between January 2022 and February 2023, sued the multinational company based in the United States (US) for unfair dismissal and is seeking millions…

BK Customers to View Loan Balances on their Mobile Phones Real Time

BK customers to view loan balances on their mobile phones real timeBank of Kigali customers will now track their loan repayment schedules, interest costs, and outstanding balances on their mobile…

KEBS Managing Director Benard Njiraini Dubious Deals Exposed

Trouble is slowly brewing at Kenya National Bureau of standards (KEBS) after it emerged that the managing director Benard Njiraini was using all means for survival. A source from the…