• Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Nairobi Bar Owners Decry Extortion, Harassment by Chief Officer Boniface Nyamu


Oct 4, 2024

Bar owners and operators in Nairobi have raised their concerns over what they term as rampant extortion and harassment emanating from the Chief Officer in charge of the Business and Hustler Opportunities docket in the Nairobi City County Government, Boniface Nyamu.

 In raising their overwhelming concerns, the business owners who mostly own and operate bars along  Kiambu Road, Kamiti Road, Kilimani area and Langata road, they lamented of unwarranted harassment where Nyamu and his cronies demand for hefty bribes, relentlessly harassing business owners ever since he was transferred from the his former docket, Mobility and Works where he allegedly extorted money from Matatu SACCOs that refused to comply with his demands in the matatu sector .

In a letter, sent out to an outspoken blogger, the bar owners claim that Nyamu has since shifted his extortion racketeering ploys to bars/night clubs.

The business owners claim that they are now being forced to pay a mandatory bribe to Nyamu and conversations within their associations and WhatsApp groups are overwhelmed with complaints about Nyamu.

The bar owners in Nairobi noted that they may soon have no option but to petition Governor Johnson Sakaja to rein in on his chief officer, who they say has become a thorn in their flesh even after Governor Sakaja promised to lead a city of order, dignity, hope and opportunity for all.

“We regret the day Nyamu was transferred from dealing with matatus as he has now made bar owners his primary source of illicit income,” the irate bar owners said in their statement.

“His arrogance and unethical conduct have left us wondering who is protecting him in his position but close sources in the corridors of the Nairobi County Government say that Deputy Governor Muchiri Njoroge is the one protecting him and possibly benefiting from the extorted money. If this situation is not addressed, bar owners in Nairobi may soon have no option but to petition Governor,” they continued.

The bar owners said that it is time for the public to know how Nyamu is exploiting business people under the guise of county regulations and called on Governor Sakaja to act against the chief officer as well as the head of inspectorate enforcement one Mr. Busienei in the sector.

Just recently, fingers pointed at Nyamu as a key player in a sprawling corruption network that is choking the city’s vital sectors.

Nyamu’s greed has stretched into Nairobi’s thriving bar and nightclub industry, particularly along key corridors where business owners, who are already weighed down by taxes, licenses, and compliance regulations, are now facing relentless harassment and intimidation by Nyamu and his crew.

Nyamu has turned the licensing process into a personal ATM. We are being squeezed to the point of closure,” said Captain Maina, a representative of Nairobi’s bar and nightclub owners.

In a shocking revelation, owners have disclosed that Nyamu demands bribes of up to Ksh 500,000 each weekend for businesses to operate without disruption. On top of that, establishments are forced to pay exorbitant fees under the guise of licensing and compliance inspections. The illegal demands have become so severe that many businesses are operating on the brink of financial ruin.

“Our businesses contribute to the economy and provide jobs, yet we are being extorted at every turn,” said one nightclub owner from Lang’ata. “Nyamu’s team is constantly harassing us, threatening closure if we don’t comply with their demands.”

The level of extortion has reached a point where even fully compliant establishments are being forced to pay these illegal fees. Small business owners, unable to keep up with the bribes, are being driven out of the industry entirely.


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