• Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

Sakaja Ditches Ruto’s UDA for ODM in Fear of a Looming Oust

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja is spending a fortune on ODM leader Raila Odinga as a means to political survival amidst reports he has fallen out with some UDA leaders and MCAs.

Sakaja seems to have shifted allegiance to ODM leader Raila Odinga to avert a looming impeachment by the Nairobi City County Assembly.

The windmill has it that Sakaja has apparently committed to be paying Raila Sh200 million on a monthly basis.This is after the County Chief held a meeting with Raila at his Karen home where he’s reported to have tipped the former Prime Minister with a deposit token of Sh500 million.

The UDA Governor whose academic background is still haunting him fears that UDA MCAs might gang up with their ODM colleagues to impeach him before 2027.

The Governor is said to have committed to please Raila to cool tempers at the Nairobi City County Assembly where Raila’s party, ODM is the majority while the ruling party UDA is the minority side.

Sakaja is facing a backlash from Nairobi residents and leaders over his poor performance and mismanagement of the City leading to dysfunction of services.

The EACC and DCI are currently probing cases of massive theft at City Hall amounting to Billions of shillings.

Majority of the cases involve payment of pending bills to law firms and contractors suspected to have “supplied air” despite being paid by the County Government.

ODM has already started punishing the party’s Nairobi MCAs who are seen to be opposed to Sakaja’s leadership.

Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai is top on the list after he was given a show case letter to explain why he attended a national government meeting led by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, that was called to discuss the Nairobi River regeneration project.


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