• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Reprieve as Court Rules in Favour of South B Residents in a Land Dispute

Nairobi South residents celebrate a victory as the court dismisses Kiambu Member of Parliament John Waithaka Machua’s case, who has tirelessly been seizing the public land allocated for construction of Makuti Market.

The magistrate’s ruling, issued on March 13th 2024 cited the substantial value of the 0.73-acre land, exceeding Ksh200,000,000 rendering it beyond the jurisdiction of the magistrate court to adjudicate.

The court upheld the preliminary objection, thereby striking out Machua’s lawsuit aimed at safeguarding his purported title deed from being invalidated.

Consequently, there is no injunction preventing the Nairobi County Government from reclaiming the property from the private developer.

Speaking to journalists at the County Assembly, the joyous Nairobi South Ward representative Esther Waithera said they are now going to construct markets for the residents.

“We are going to build modern markets for the traders who are currently operating along the road sides. The title deed of the private developer will be revoked, and the land should be returned to the residents of South B,” Waithera said.


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