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Hussein Mohammed gangs up with anti Ruto forces as he plots for FKF presidential bid


Jan 14, 2024

The De-Javu seldom ends. In his renewed onslaught to attempt a stab at the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidency at the upcoming Federation elections slated to be held this year, former contestant and founder of the on and off un-sanctioned grassroots football league Hussein Mohammed has now ganged up with the erstwhile critics of President William Ruto in a bid to woo support for his bid.

In the latest development, the Extreme Sports CEO Hussein found new dalliance in the company well known anti-Ruto forces as he tries to woo support for his intent to run in the FKF Elections.

Hussein, today, Sunday 14th January 2024, held a meeting in Nairobi with a section well known critics of President Ruto as he continues with the notion that the current FKF President Nick Mwendwa is an ally of the President.

In today’s meeting, Hussein met with ODM youth leaders led by Korogocho Member of the Nairobi County Assembly Absalom Odhiambo Matach alias Matakweyi, the self proclaimed president Bunge la Mwananchi of Calvince Okoth “Gaucho” and a host of ODM election losers among them Jared Owade who contested for the Mathare Parlimentary seat in 2022 on ODM ticket, Brayan Owino contested for MP in Kibra on a ODM ticket, Brian Otieno who contested for MCA seat in Embakasi South on an ODM and close ally of Nairobi Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Ken Ng’ondi of ODM and Nicholas Pete alias ‘Engineer’ a close all of Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, all of who are outspoken supporters of ODM Leader Raila Odinga and have been known for their daily insults towards President Ruto.

In the meeting, Gaucho promised to support Hussein’s bid for FKF as Hussein promised to support Gaucho’s helm at Bunge la Mwananchi even as he continues to fight over leadership of the Bunge La Mwananchi with another leader who is allied to Ruto.  

Hussein has had such meetings in various parts of the country notably Homabay and Kisii which were too organised by ODM critics of President Ruto. In the Kisii meeting, at which Hussein met with Kisii Governor Simba Arati a fortnight ago,  it was also organised of a planned mass recruitment drive of membership by the ODM party which is will be led by Governor Arati and attended by the ODM party leader Raila Odinga.

All along, Hussein has been meeting ODM politicians who are hell bent on criticizing the government but never holds meeting with the electorate which can propel his FKF dream, which is the vote holding FKF delegates, putting to question how the politicians will help him ascend to FKF top job.

Hussein has been accused of taking advantage grabbing photo opportunities with any leaders he meets and goes ahead to post them on his social media accounts a behaviour that several leaders have come out to criticize calling it un couth and unwarranted. He, at one time posted an old photo of himself with President Ruto which he tried to imply was current in his behaviour of taking photos to chase the clout.

Hussein, who seems to have finally landed a new home in an interesting twist of events, said that he had a ‘great meeting’ with his friend Governor Simba Arati and apparently spoke about youth empowerment and infrastructure development, especially in the sports sector noting that Kisii County has shown great potential in developing talent.

However, claims have now emerged that Hussein, who tried his hand in politics when he unsuccessfully vied for the Kasarani MP seat in 2017 has been advised to work with the opposition Azimio coalition since for him to win in Nairobi on an ODM ticket, he must rope in the Azimio who are believed to be the same supporters of football. It is on this notion that Hussein now has tried to gravitate towards Azimio critics of President Ruto to gain pseudo popularity in the FKF elections.

Hussein Mohammed with ODM Homabay Governor Gladys Wanga during the Genowa Cup finals at Raila Odinga Homabay Stadium

Football stakeholders in Homabay County denied him entry into Raila Odinga Satadium in Homabay County before he was allowed in after long negotiations.

Hussein sensationally blamed FKF leadership after he was blocked from attending the finals of the Genowa Governor’s Cup hosted by Homabay Governor Gladys Wanga in Homa Bay County.

Hussein claimed that FKF officials attempted to block him from attending the Governor’s cup tournament yet he had been officially invited.

However, FKF was never involved with the protocol organisation of the tournament and can therefore not bear the burden. That Hussein was blocked at a tournament miles away from his Nairobi base only tell of the mistrust and contempt football stakeholders around the country have on his personalty.

Hussein is in the books for organising a tournament every time he intends to vie for an elective seat and soon abandoning the tournament upon his flop at the ballot.

In his attempt to garner for the FKF top seat, Hussein has found himself a lone ranger as his former coordinators and organizers of his tournament have opted to desert him accusing his of perennially failing to honour their contracts, failing to pay for their services and at times deducting the agreed charges and salaries.

The Extreme Sports Chief Executive, who lost the race during the 2012 FKF elections has been silent in the cold and since his defeat, he stopped organizing the tournament he founded named Extreme super eight.

The trend is all so clear that Hussein organises the tournament whenever he has intentions of vying for a seat and folds it up upon defeat at the polls. He deserted the tournament after realizing that his chances at the 2016 FKF elections were slim while after loosing in the Kasarani parliamentary elections in 2017, Hussein stopped organizing the tournament without paying prize money to the winners and his service delivery unit only to pay the teams, eight years later in September last year when he sired the idea of vying for the FKF Presidency this year.

Stakeholders, service providers, coordinators, volunteers and other organizers of his tournament have distanced themselves from his campaign due to his tendencies of failing to pay for their services in the past.


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